Wageningen University and Research (WUR)

WUR is one of the leading research- and educationinstitutions in Europe in the fields of food, foodproduction, livingspace, living-style, circumstances of life and health. WUR employs over 6.500 researchers and teaches over 10.000 students.

ULMUS and WUR enjoy a structurl partnership and work together in different national and international projects.

An on-going project is W.U.R.K.S. (WUR Knowledge Sharing). This project was inititated by WUR in 2012. Aim of the project is to develop a guideline/handboek to bring all existing courses for "CareFarming" in the Netherlands on the same didactical and theoretical level.

Other on-going projects are the EU-partnership projects "SOFIEU" (see own description) and "DIANA".

Andere laufende Projekte in Zusammenarbeit mit der WUR sind die Europäischen Partnerschatsprojekte SOFIEU (siehe eigene Beschreibung in diesem Portfolio) und das EU-Projekt "DIANA", das 2012 zum Abschluss kam.

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